About Us
Founded in 2015, Imaginate Consulting has always believed that:
Client experience is the key driver to delivering value and growth in premium brands today.
Client experience is a business competence. It’s not a function.
Behaviour and ‘Mindset’ directly impacts performance. How you think matters.
Business is human at the centre. It is people who design, deliver and share experiences.
Business grows, when people grow.
We focus specifically on enhancing business performance.

Our Strategy
At Imaginate our unique difference is that we are not finished when the advice has been given.
True transformation starts when your teams implement the changes you want to see.
Our teams are there every step-of-the-way to personally support and coach the change.
We are different

Our Values

We believe in movement and building on new customer trends. A brand evolves and so should you.

We build success on experience and knowledge. We are specialists and professionals and we deliver on that promise.

We are passionate about CX. We operate on a global scale. We predict trends and integrate those in your brand experience strategy.

Our Approach
We work in three key ways to deliver performance change in organisations and teams: We focus on ‘head’, ‘heart’ and ‘hands’.
The 'Head'
We work on “mindset” and how the organisation thinks and behaves.
What’s the strategy?
What do you measure?
What do you talk about?
What matters?
The 'Heart'
How do you want your clients to feel?
How will the brand ‘behave’ and be delivered across each channel?
The 'Hands'
We work hand-in-hand with your leaders to significantly enhance performance through personal support and coaching.